Dudes are Firing Blanks
Male Fertility and
Hormone Disruption
Toxic man made Biochemicals are deleting your sperm and wrecking your sex drive. Even if you do manage to conceive, and good luck with that, the fetus is likely to have abnormalities. If male, they may have to navigate life with undescended testes. You have to give it to those New World Order Boys - they are doing a great job with your collaboration!
Male Destroying
Sperm count has
plummeted by
You would be mistaken to think that the cause of increasing rates of infertility is unknown. Scientists know exactly what’s causing the dramatic decline. Hormone disruption. And one of the main causes? The rise of toxic biochemicals in the environment. This article focuses on noxious chemicals that are endocrine-disruptive, their role in male fertility, and the cover-up to stop you from knowing the truth. Fertility clinics and IVF specialist are getting busier and busier. I have seen young guys with low sperm counts in their twenties. Radiation from smart phone in the pocket Smart phone in the pocket and on the lap whilst driving is not helping either.
Whether you walk away from this article 
Terrified, Informed or both, it's up to you.
I will start with the basics. The endocrine system is a structure of glands. They help the human body produce and release hormones. It regulates growth, metabolism, emotions, blood pressure, sex - and fertility. The ‘master’ gland in the system is the pituitary gland. Its role in reproduction is to produce hormones that provide a protein to build and maintain sperm and manage testosterone production. Inadequate levels lower sperm count and decrease semen quality, sex drive and performance. 50% of fertility issues are due to the man, and toxic biochemicals are the cause. They are known as endocrine disrupters.
The Endocrine System
Endocrine Disruptors
Endocrine disruptors stop the system from functioning. They bind to hormone receptors. They change their purpose and stop the body from listening to hormones chemical messages. Your body will not make testosterone. It will fail to produce the protein to build sperm. Your sperm count will drop, and so will your fertility. Without a working endocrine system, your body cannot reproduce. It’s that simple.
Gender-Bending Chemicals
Gender-bending chemicals are endocrine disruptors. They mimic estrogen and ‘feminize’ males, wreaking havoc on the careful balance of the human body. 4 out of 5 UK teenagers experience gender-altering chemicals just from plastic. Ignoring that they exist would be foolish.
CDDs - Chlorinated 
Blocks testosterone signalling and mimics oestrogen in males.
Found in 40% of plastic and canned foods in the UK and imitates the female sex hormone.
Bisphenol A (BPA)
Mainly used as a fragrance in shaving cream, aftershave and hand lotion that attacks the nervous system.
A solvent used to decaffeinate tea and coffee. It disrupts the central nervous system and decreases oxygen in the blood.
Methylene Chloride
Monosodium Glutamate 
Added to fizzy drinks, sausages, salad dressing and canned soups. It’s a preservative in fast food that kills cells.
An antibacterial in soaps, toothpaste, and deodorants that interfere with testosterone
Found in sunscreen and antiperspirant that absorbs into the skin and affects organs.
Di-,Tri-, Mono-ethanolamine
(DEA, TEA and MEA) 
A foaming agent and endocrine disrupter companies put into face cleansers, shampoo, shower gel and even children’s bubble bath.
One of the most widespread pesticides in the world. It’s been scientifically proven to change a frog’s reproductive system. Keep reading to find out more.
Atrazine Herbicide
The Global Hormone Disruptor
A herbicide is used in forming to kill weeds. It’s apparently banned in the UK, Good. However, the UK are the second biggest exporter of atrazine in Europe, sending 13,760 Tonnes to lower-income countries. Atrazine is in imported foods and 44% of foods tested in the UK for pesticides are contaminated. It’s not a problem in developing countries. It’s here. It’s affecting you. You probably consumed some today!
Atrazine is a Globally Used Herbicide
Professor Tyrone Hayes ran a 2002 study on the relationship between atrazine and male frogs. The evidence is damning. It decreases testosterone levels by ten times in male frogs, changing the entire reproductive system so that they lay eggs! I’ll put it simply - male frogs turn into female frogs. This tells us one thing. Atrazine is a powerful endocrine disruptor.
The Chemical Castration of Frogs
The Attack on Atrazine Research from Major Corporations
Hayes’ work nearly destroyed his life. Despite his research, the largest money-devouring provider of atrazine, Syngenta, attempted to traumatise and discredit Professor Hayes. Syngenta initially hired Hayes to study atrazine, but when it didn’t get the results they wanted, he was told to erase the evidence and shut up. When Hayes refused, Syngenta conspired against him, attacking his reputation and family. These are not people who mess around. When they say something - they mean it.
Syngenta’s Smear Campaign on Professor Hayes
Syngenta began producing ‘studies’ that disproved atrazine and sex dysmorphia in amphibians. They tailed Hayes, appearing at every lecture. The world saw Hayes as paranoid, but his fears were confirmed. A notebook from Syngenta was uncovered - it mentioned discrediting Hayes, researching his vulnerabilities, and investigating his wife. If this all sounds like a theatrical conspiracy theory, then you’re deeply mistaken. Although the melodrama is to rival a soap opera, the unfortunate truth is deeply disturbing. Major corporations like Syngenta know that atrazine harms males, and they’ll do anything to silence it. The first person to observe this and write about it was Marine Biologist Rachel Carson in her classic book Silent Spring, written over nearly sixty years ago. She made the shocking discovery that many frogs, newts fish and small retiles were androgynous. Possessing both male and female sex organs. The cause; chemicals leaching into waterways from factory run off chemicals and chemical residues from pesticides and herbicides from farms.
Malfunction at the Junction
By some awful quirk, most man-made chemicals have a molecular structure so similar to oestrogen it attaches to oestrogen receptors. In short, those deodorants, shower gels, and your food and even tap water are feeding your body excess oestrogen and decreasing testosterone in males. There’s a claim that in comparison to 20 years ago, men have 50% less testosterone - but that’s not entirely accurate. In 1999 - 2000 average testosterone levels were 605.39 ng/dL, but just fifteen years later (2015 - 2016), these figures decreased to 451.22 ng/dL. Looking at the figures, it’s more likely a drop around the 15-20% mark every ten years on average. In the UK, 50% of men in their thirties struggle with erectile dysfunction, and 43% of them are impotent. They are the largest age group to have problems in the bedroom. Prescriptions for erectile dysfunction are double in comparison to 10 years ago. After lockdown eased, Viagra sales increased by over 70%, and all ED medications followed suit, with an overall 36% increase. The erectile dysfunction market is worth millions, men with ED blame drinking too much, stress, tiredness and anxiety, but no one recognizes that toxic biochemicals such as Atrazine may be the leading cause.
Hayes has devoted the past fifteen years to studying atrazine, a widely used herbicide made by Syngenta. The company’s notes reveal that it struggled to make sense of him, and plotted ways to discredit him.
Professor Tyrone Hayes 
University of  California, Berkeley 
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